Teraterm Command Line Serial

  1. Fixed frame sizes/line lengths sync patterns with masks and xors, and display only match data Timestamps on pattern match or newlines full remote control through activeX/COM extensive command-line for batch files and INI files can be used for serial I/O component of other programs via activeX. Full support for minimize,hide,iconize, tooltray.
  2. Lab – Establish a Console Session with Tera Term Answers Lab – Establish a Console Session with Tera Term (Answers Version) Answers Note: Red font color or gray highlights indicate text that appears in the Answers copy only. Topology Objectives Part 1: Access a Cisco Device through the Serial Console Port Connect to a Continue reading.

The serial supports serial communication between the BBC micro:bit and another computer. Basically, this allows you to send data from the micro:bit to your own computer. This is very useful for debugging purposes: you can add write line statements in your code and see them display on your computer as the program executes.

Tera Term (Windows) Real-Term (Windows) YAT - Yet Another Terminal (Windows) CoolTerm (Windows, Mac, Linux) ZTerm (Mac) Command Line (Windows, Mac, Linux) Tips and Tricks Resources and Going Further Serial Terminal Overview COM ports. Serial Port Profile (SPP) - The Serial Port Profile is a Bluetooth profile that.

The code below shows a simple script that sends a line when the BBC micro:bit starts and another line each time the button A is pressed.

Data is also automatically streamed to serial by the bar graph blockand picked up by the editor. This data can be streamed to the cloud as well.

How to read the micro:bit’s serial output from your computer

Unfortunately, using the serial library requires quite a bit of a setup.

Windows earlier than 10

If you are running a Windows version earlier than 10, you must install a device driver (for the computer to recognize the serial interface of the micro:bit).

Also, if you don’t see the serial port as one of your computer’s devices, you might need to update the firmware on the micro:bit. Find the device name for the attached serial port in the following instructions for your operating system.

Windows > Tera Term

Teraterm Manual

  • Install the terminal emulator Tera Term. At the time of this writing, the latest version is 4.88 and can be downloaded from here. Follow the instructions from the installer.

Once both the driver and the terminal emulator are installed, plug in the micro:bit and wait until the device is fully setup. Then, open TeraTerm.

  • Hit File > New Connection
  • Check “Serial”; in the dropdown menu, pick the COM port that says “mbed Serial Port”. Hit Ok.
  • In the menus, hit Setup > Serial Port and set the baud rate to 115200.

You should be good. Feel free to hit Setup > Save Setup in the menus to erase the default configuration file with a new one so that you don’t have to type in the settings again.

Please note that Windows will assign you a different COM port if you plug in another micro:bit. If you’re juggling between micro:bits, you’ll have to change the COM port every time.

Windows > Putty

If you prefer another terminal emulator (such as PuTTY), here are some instructions.

  • Open Windows’s Device Manager; expand the section called “Ports (COM & LPT)”; write down the com number for “mbed Serial Port” (e.g. COM14)
  • Open PuTTY; on the main screen, use the following settings: Serial / COM14 / 115200. Replace COM14 with the COM port number you wrote down previously. Feel free to type in a name and hit “Save” to remember this configuration.
  • (optional): in the “Terminal” section, check “implicit cr in every lf”


  • Install the program screen if it is not already installed.
  • Plug in the micro:bit.
  • Open a terminal.
  • Find which device node the micro:bit was assigned to with the command ls /dev/ttyACM*.
  • If it was /dev/ttyACM0, type the command screen /dev/ttyACM0 115200. If it was some other device node,use that one in the command instead. Note: You may need root access to run screensuccessfully. You can probably use the command sudo like this: sudo screen /dev/ttyACM0 115200.
  • To exit screen, type Ctrl-ACtrl-D.

Alternative programs include minicom and so on.


Mac OS

  • Plug in the micro:bit
  • Open a terminal
  • ls /dev/cu.* will return to you a list of serial devices; one of them will look like /dev/cu.usbmodem1422 (the exact number depends on your computer)
  • screen /dev/cu.usbmodem1422 115200 will open up the micro:bit’s serial output. To exit, hit Ctrl-ACtrl-D.

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Last Updated on February 9, 2019 by Lab – Establish a Console Session with Tera Term Answers

Lab – Establish a Console Session with Tera Term (Answers Version)

Answers Note: Red font color or gray highlights indicate text that appears in the Answers copy only.



Part 1: Access a Cisco Device through the Serial Console Port

Tera Term Command Line Commands

Teraterm Command Line Serial
  • Connect to a Cisco device using a serial console cable.
  • Establish a console session using a terminal emulator, such as Tera Term.

Part 2: Erasing and Reloading the Cisco Device

  • Erase previously saved settings to return the device to the default state.

Background / Scenario

Various models of Cisco routers and switches are used in networks of all types. These devices are initially managed using a local console connection and then routinely managed using a remote connection. Nearly all Cisco devices have a serial console port to which you can connect.

In this lab, you will learn how to access a Cisco device via a direct local connection to the console port, using a terminal emulation program, Tera Term. You will also learn how to configure the serial port settings for the Tera Term console connection. After you have established a console connection with the Cisco device, you will erase the saved configurations and reload the device.

Note: The routers used are Cisco 1941 ISRs with Cisco IOS Release 15.4(3) (universalk9 image). The switches used are Cisco Catalyst 2960s with Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2) (lanbasek9 image). Other routers, switches, and Cisco IOS versions can be used. Depending on the model and Cisco IOS version, the commands available and output produced might vary from what is shown in the labs.

Teraterm Scripting

Answers Note: You may choose to use serial console cables to connect to all the Cisco devices because not all Cisco devices have the USB console ports.

Answers Note: If you are using a Cisco 1941 router or other Cisco IOS devices with a mini-USB console port, you can access the device console port using a mini-USB cable connected to the USB port on your computer.

Answers Note: The mini-USB console cable is the same type of mini-USB cables that are used with other electronics devices, such as USB hard drives, USB printers, or USB hubs. These mini-USB cables can be purchased through Cisco Systems, Inc. or other third-party vendors. Please verify that you are using a mini-USB cable, not a micro-USB cable, to connect to the mini-USB console port on a Cisco IOS device.

Required Resources

  • 1 Router (Cisco 1941 with Cisco IOS software, release 15.4(3) universal image or comparable)
  • 1 Switch (Cisco 2960 with Cisco IOS Release 15.0(2) lanbasek9 image or comparable)
  • 1 PC (Windows 10) with terminal emulation program, such as Tera Term)
  • DB-9 to RJ-45 console cable to configure the switch or router via the RJ-45 console port
  • Mini-USB cable to configure the router via the USB console port if available

Part 1: Access a Cisco Device through the Serial Console Port

You will connect a PC to a Cisco switch or router using a console cable. This connection will allow you to access the command line interface (CLI) and display settings or configure the device

Step 1: Connect a Cisco device and computer using a console cable.

Teraterm Command Line Serial
  1. Connect the console cable to the RJ-45 console port of the switch or router.If you are using a mini-USB console cable, connect it to mini-USB port of the device.
  2. Connect the other cable end to the serial COM port on the computer.
    Note: Serial COM ports are no longer available on most computers today. A USB-to-DB9 adapter can be used with the console cable for console connection between the computer and a Cisco device. These USB-to-DB9 adapters can be purchased at any computer electronics store.
    If using a USB-to-DB9 adapter to connect to the COM port, you may be required to install a driver for the adapter provided by the manufacturer on your computer.
    Note: If you are using a mini-USB cable, you maybe prompted to install a driver.
  3. Power up the Cisco device and computer if these devices are not already on.

Step 2: Configure Tera Term to establish a console session with the device.

Tera Term is a terminal emulation program. This program allows you to access the terminal output of the switch. It also allows you to configure the switch.

  1. Right-click Start. Enter Tera Term and select Tera Term in the results list.
    Note: If the program is not installed on the system, Tera Term can be downloaded from the following link by selecting the latest Tera Term package release. Tera Term is open source free software.
  2. Click Serial.
    When using the USB-to-Serial cable, select the COM port associated with Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port. In this example, COM4 is the serial port used by the computer.When using the mini-USB cable, select the COM port associated with the USB Serial Device. In this example, COM3 is the serial port used by the computer.
  3. Click OK to connect to the device.

Part 2: Erasing and Reloading the Cisco Device

Teraterm Script Commands

For the majority of the labs in this course, it is necessary to start with an unconfigured router and switch. Using a device with an existing configuration may produce unpredictable results. The following instructions prepare a switch or router prior to performing the lab so that previous configuration options do not interfere. Instructions are provided for the 2960 series switches.

Tera Term Command Line Serial Port

  1. Enter privileged EXEC mode by typing enable. If prompted for a password, refer to the Answers for assistance.
    Switch> enable
    Router> enable
  2. If you are using a switch, remove the VLAN database information file. This file exists only if changes were made to the switch VLAN configurations.
    Switch# delete vlan.dat
    Delete filename [vlan.dat]? [Enter]
    Delete flash:vlan.dat? [confirm] [Enter]
    If there was no VLAN file, this message is displayed:
    %Error deleting flash:vlan.dat (No such file or directory)
  3. Remove the startup configuration file from NVRAM.
    Switch# erase startup-config
    Router# erase startup-config
    The responding line prompt is:
    Erasing the nvram filesystem will remove all files! Continue? [confirm]
  4. Press Enter to confirm. The response should be:
    Erase of nvram: complete
  5. Restart the software using the reload command in privileged EXEC mode.
    Switch# reload
    Router# reload
    The responding line prompt is:
    System configuration has been modified. Save? [yes/no]:
  6. Type n, and then press Enter. The responding line prompt is:
    Proceed with reload? [confirm] [Enter]
    The first line of the response is:
    Reload requested by console.
    After the device has reloaded, the line prompt is:
    Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [yes/no]:
  7. Type n, and then press Enter. The responding line prompt is:
    Press RETURN to get started! [Enter]